Become A Trash Talker!


Eliminate litter, abandoned encampments, and dumping on roadways, waterways and agricultural land


Educate and engage community, non-profits, schools, and local governments


To improve the health, well-being, economic value and the beauty of our region

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Pitch In All-Santa Cruz Cleanup Day will be May 10th, 2025!


"Our public space research shows that it's 4 to 6% of the population that litter 80% of the items."

Cecile Carlsen – Keep California Beautiful

This is illegal Dumping! Take usable items to appropriate locations.

"If you are a customer of Green Waste, you qualify for four extra setups and three bulky items collected every calendar year as part of your service."
– Beau Hawksford, county of Santa Cruz

Report Illegal Dumping


Join Us! We've kept thousands of yards of garbage from entering our waterways and oceans.

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