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Join in the Fun! Organize or participate in the Pitch In All County Cleanup Day May 10th.
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16,727.5 pounds of debris removed from the environment. 154,895 individual pieces of trash & recycling collected.
170 cleanups conducted at beaches, rivers, and other inland sites around the Monterey Bay.
Eliminate litter, abandoned encampments, and dumping on roadways, waterways and agricultural land
Educate and engage community, non-profits, schools, and local governments
To improve the health, well-being, economic value and the beauty of our region
Pitch In All-Santa Cruz Cleanup Day will be May 10th, 2025!
Since July 2021, Caltrans and its local partners have picked up more than 2.8 million cubic yards of litter – enough to cover nine lanes of Interstate 5 with trash from the Mexican border to Oregon.
This is illegal Dumping! Take usable items to appropriate locations.
"If you are a customer of GreenWaste, you qualify for four extra garbage setouts and three bulky items collected every calendar year as part of your service.Call GreenWaste customer service to schedule these events."– Beau Hawksford, County of Santa Cruz
Report Illegal Dumping
Join Us! We've kept thousands of yards of garbage from entering our waterways and oceans.
Community Development & Infrastrucure Disposal Site Fee Waiver Request Form
Residents may request up to three (3) bulky item reuse collections each year at no additional charge. Each collection may include up to two (2) cubic yards of reusable materials, five (5) e-Waste items, and three (3) appliances or bulky items. Appliances containing Freon count as two (2) bulky items. No single item may weigh more than 200 lbs., further restrictions may apply. Additional eligible items collection and/or collection events may be collected/scheduled for an additional charge. Contact Customer Service to schedule.
Phone: (831) 426-2711
Are you passionate about Zero Waste? Are you ready to learn more about reducing waste, diverting food scraps from the landfill, recycling right, and then educating and inspiring others so they can make a difference too? If you answered yes, then the City of Santa Cruz Master Recycler Volunteer Training Program is for you. More information as well as the application can be found at Recycling and Waste Reduction.